
3rd Integrity Summit

3rd Integrity Summit

The 1st Integrity Summit called on the private sector to cultivate a culture of integrity to achieve a level playing field in the country. The response was overwhelming – over a thousand organizations signed the Integrity Pledge, committing their companies to ethical practices and good corporate governance.Last year, the 2nd Integrity Summit presented concrete results experienced by organizations that have successfully implemented a culture of integrity in business and in the workplace. The event featured presentations from the public and private sectors that have demonstrated how their organizations were able to transcend the culture of corruption.

This year, the 3rd Integrity Summit features the significant progress made by the private sector, the inception of the Integrity Self- Assessment and Validation System, in establishing a new breed of companies that will spearhead the drive in building the Philippines as a nation with integrity.

The 1st Integrity Summit called on the private sector to cultivate a culture of integrity to achieve a level playing field in the country. The response was overwhelming – over a thousand organizations signed the Integrity Pledge, committing their companies to ethical practices and good corporate governance.Last year, the 2nd Integrity Summit presented concrete results experienced by organizations that have successfully implemented a culture of integrity in business and in the workplace. The event featured presentations from the public and private sectors that have demonstrated how their organizations were able to transcend the culture of corruption.

This year, the 3rd Integrity Summit features the significant progress made by the private sector, the inception of the Integrity Self- Assessment and Validation System, in establishing a new breed of companies that will spearhead the drive in building the Philippines as a nation with integrity.

Who should attend

  • Top management and middle management of signatories to the Integrity Pledge
  • Officers of companies that have yet to sign the Integrity Pledge
  • Compliance officers, procurement officers, HR practitioners and those who share a deep commitment and promoting ethical business practices
  • Government officials
  • Leaders of Civil Society Organizations
  • Business school officials

Organized By

The Summit is organized by the Integrity Initiative – a nationwide, private sector-led campaign that institutionalizes common ethical standards among various sector society.
The Initiative is implemented by the Makati Business Club (MBC) and European Chamber of Commerce of the Phils. (ECCP), in the partnership with the Management Association of the Phils. (MAP), American Chamber of Commerce (Amcham), Asian Institute of Management – Hills Government Center(AIM), and the Financial Executives Institute of the Phils. (FINEX).

For Inquiries
Please contact Zyra Fastidio at 845-1324 or Roy Villafania at 751-1144.

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