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15th Congress’ output noted


THE 15TH CONGRESS’ output was said to have exceeded expectations given the number of priority measures passed.

“The 15th Congress has been more productive than the 14th,” said John D. Forbes, senior adviser of the American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines, Inc.

He noted, however, that legislators — now focused on being re-elected in May — should on their return concentrate on initiatives that will have to go back to square one such as the anti-trust and rationalization of fiscal incentives measures.

Manila Business Club Chairman Ramon R. del Rosario, Jr., meanwhile, cited the “on-time passage of the national budget for 2011, 2012 and 2013” following the delays that marked the previous administration.

Eleven of 36 priority bills listed by the Legislative-Executive Development Advisory Council have been enacted.

Among the notable laws now in effect are Republic Act (RA) 10151 allowing night work for women; RA 10167 that enhanced the Anti-Money Laundering Act; RA 10168 that criminalized terrorist financing;RA 10173 or the Data Privacy Act; RA 10351 that raised excise taxes on alcohol and tobacco products; RA 10354 or the reproductive health bill; and RA 10361 that gave additional benefits to household workers.

Commenting on the legislative result, House Speaker Feliciano R. Belmonte, Jr. said: “Record looks okay. What’s left over can be done in the 16th Congress.”

Last week, Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile said: “We have done the major legislations that we have to do now. We cannot do everything in one Congress.”

– See more at: http://www.bworldonline.com/content.php?section=TopStory&title=15%3Csup%3Eth%3C/sup%3E-Congress%E2%80%99-output-noted&id=65657#sthash.ndA1fGkA.dpuf




Source: Business World, 10 February 2013

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