Part 2 News: Becoming More Competitive

2012 Index of Economic Freedom, ASEAN-6


The 2012 Index of Economic Freedom by The Heritage Foundation and Wall Street Journal tracks the economic success of 184 countries around the world using 10 benchmarks ranging from property rights to entrepreneurship. This chart shows the scores received by the countries in the ASEAN-6 region.

In the 2012 Index, the Philippines ranked as the 107th freest economy in the world. Its overall score of 57.1 showed an improvement of about 1 point as compared to last year’s, reflecting considerable improvement in business freedom. This overall score is a fraction below the global average of 57.9. 

In 2011, it ranked 115th out of 179 countries that were surveyed. In 2010, it ranked 109th out of 179. To see how the rest of the ASEAN-6 ranked relative to each other in previous years, visit Part 2: Becoming More Competitive

Source: The Heritage Foundation and The Wall Street Journal

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