The JFC is a coalition of the American, Australian-New Zealand, Canadian, European, Japanese, Korean chambers and PAMURI. We represent over 2,000 member companies engaged in over $100 billion worth of bilateral trade and some $30 billion of investments in the Philippines.

The JFC supports and promotes open international trade, increased foreign investment, and improved conditions for business to benefit both the Philippines and the countries the JFC members represent.

Joint Foreign Chambers of the Philippines Members

American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines, Inc. (AmCham) Australian - New Zealand Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines, Inc. (ANZCham)
Canadian Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines, Inc. (CanCham) European Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines, Inc. (ECCP)
Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Philippines, Inc. (JCCIPI) Korean Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines, Inc. (KCCP)
Philippine Association of Multinational Companies Regional Headquarters, Inc. (PAMURI)