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[EDITORIAL] Konektadong Pinoy Bill: Connecting all Filipinos, driving economic growth

BusinessMirror Editorial
May 13, 2024


The rapid digitization of the global economy has brought immense benefits in the form of increased employment, productivity, innovation, and new products and services. However, the digital divide continues to be a major challenge, especially in developing countries like the Philippines.

According to news report, over 58 million Filipinos—more than half the population—are considered “Internet-poor” due to their inability to afford even the minimum mobile data package. This lack of affordable, widespread Internet access is severely limiting economic opportunities for millions of our countrymen.

Individuals without digital skills and access are at a major disadvantage when it comes to obtaining higher-paying jobs in the modern economy. Additionally, the country as a whole faces impediments to economic development if large swaths of the population remain disconnected from the digital world.

Ensuring universal and affordable Internet access should be a top priority for the government. The digital divide is not just a technological issue, but also one that has far-reaching economic and social implications. Bridging this divide will unlock countless opportunities for Filipino families, businesses, and the nation as a whole.

The inclusion of the Konektadong Pinoy (Open Access) Bill in the Common Legislative Agenda of the Legislative-Executive Development Advisory Council (LEDAC) signifies its importance and prioritization in the country’s policy agenda. Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri has recognized its significance, and the bill is on track for approval before Congress adjourns sine die.

The reforms encompassed in the Konektadong Pinoy Bill are crucial for its success. Removing the legislative franchise requirement for data transmission industry participants and promoting infrastructure sharing through a comprehensive policy framework are steps in the right direction. These reforms will foster healthy competition, drive down costs, and encourage investment in areas that are currently underserved.

The call by the Joint Foreign Chambers of the Philippines for the swift passage of the Konektadong Pinoy Bill is a welcome and crucial step in the right direction. This legislation aims to lower barriers to entry in the data transmission sector, increase competition, and drive infrastructure investment—especially in underserved areas. (Read the BusinessMirror story: “Joint Foreign Chambers call for immediate passage of bill to expand Internet access,” May 10, 2024).

The seven foreign chambers underscored the importance of passing the bill, saying this will “reduce costs and expand access to high-quality Internet services by lowering barriers to entry in the data transmission sector and encouraging more competition and investment in data transmission.”

“Prohibitive costs and lack of Internet infrastructure contribute to the prevailing digital divide,” the JFC said in a statement, adding that the country also lags behind its middle-income peers in Asean in Internet access, speed, and affordability for mobile and fixed services.

As the world becomes increasingly digitized, the Philippines cannot afford to be left behind. Passing the Konektadong Pinoy Bill is an essential stride towards a more prosperous, equitable, and future-ready Philippines.

The advantages of bridging the digital divide go beyond individual households, encompassing wide-ranging benefits for society. By expediting our digital transformation through the Konektadong Pinoy Bill, we can unlock the nation’s potential for economic growth, job generation, and innovation. This initiative will create opportunities in emerging industries, entice foreign investments, and elevate the competitiveness of Filipino businesses on a global scale.
