Statements, Position Papers and Press Releases

Letter from AmCham to Sen. Trillanes re Pharmacy

In this letter, dated August 19, 2011, the American Chamber of Commerce (a JFC member) responded to a recent press comment made by Senator Antonio Trillanes IV, Chairman of the Committee on Civil Service, on the debate on amendments to the provisions of the 1987 Philippine Constitution that restrict foreign investment and the practice of professions.

The AmCham commended the Senate Committee on Civil Service for regularly conducting hearings on bills regulating the practice of various professions. Thus far the Committee has already conducted hearings and/or technical working group meetings on bills pertaining to the following professions: civil engineering, medicine, mining engineering, interior design, environmental planning, and geology.

The AmCham also expressed its hope that the Committee could ensure the inclusion of a reciprocity provision in the above bills and in Senate Bills 746 and 2163, which regulate the practice of pharmacy, so as to remove the policy bias in favor of Philippine citizens and, in effect, liberalize the practice of profession.

To download the letter in PDF format, click here.

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