Foreign Equity and Professionals NewsLegislation News

Sotto allays concerns over Charter amendment

SENATE Majority Leader Tito Sotto allayed concerns aired by some of his fellow senators over the legality of fresh initiatives by Congress leaders to amend the economic provision of the Constitution following the procedure of enacting laws. “They are protesting right away when only one provision will be touched. Only the 60-40 provision limiting foreign ownership of certain businesses,” Sotto said, adding the rule says it can be done “one at a time; you cannot have more than two subjects.” In a separate interview, Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile said one of the more vocal opposers, Sen. Miriam Santiago, can bring a case to court questioning the plan he and Speaker Feliciano Belmonte had proposed to amend the Constitution piecemeal following the legislative process. “I am not as bright as she [Santiago] is but I can assure you that she can take it up, she can go to the Supreme Court and I think she will lose,” Enrile told reporters. Enrile said the Senate and the House would proceed to amend the economic provision of the Constitution as earlier agreed upon by leaders of both chambers and would leave it up to Santiago to go to court, if she wants to. “Let her go to the SC and question the constitutionality,” Enrile said.
By: Butch Fernandez
Source: Business Mirror, Oct. 11, 2011
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