Governance News

Satisfaction score rebounds

THE AQUINO administration has regained the “very good” public satisfaction net rating it saw late last year, as its scores improved across most issues covered by the third-quarter Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey.

The survey, conducted among 1,200 individuals nationwide last Sept. 4-7, found 68% of respondents satisfied, 19% neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, and 12% dissatisfied with the general performance of the national administration, yielding a “very good” net satisfaction rating of +56.

The latest net satisfaction rating is better than the “good” +45 and +46 scores garnered in the surveys last June and March, respectively, but was less than the “very good” +64 seen in September and November last year, results of the survey showed further.

Despite fluctuations in its scores, the current administration’s net satisfaction rating remains better than those of previous adminstrations since SWS began the survey in February 1989 with the government of the mother of President Benigno S. C. Aquino III, the late former president Corazon C. Aquino.

SWS describes its net satisfaction ratings as: +70 and above, “excellent”; +50 to +69, “very good”; +30 to +49, “good”; +10 to +29, “moderate”, +9 to -9, “neutral”; -10 to -29, “poor”; -30 to -49, “bad”; -50 to -69, “very bad”; -70 and below, “execrable.”

Sampling error margins are ±3% for national percentages and ±6% for area percentages.

Out of 16 issues covered by the survey, the current administration’s net ratings were:

• “very good” in improving the quality of children’s education (+56, though this is the first time this issue was included) and helping the poor (+50);

• “good” in seven issues: foreign relations (+44), promoting welfare of overseas Filipino workers (+41), telling the truth (+37), fighting terrorism (+34), reconciliation with Muslim rebels (+34), reconciliation with communist rebels (+33) and ensuring an efficient transportation system (+33, first time to be included);

• “moderate” in four issues: eradicating graft and corruption (+27), fighting crime (+26), deciding quickly on important problems (+25) and ensuring that no family will go hungry (+13);

• “neutral” in fighting inflation (+9) and ensuring that oil firms don’t take advantage of oil prices (+4); and

• a “poor” -13 in resolving the Maguindanao massacre case with justice.

Compared to the previous quarter, net satisfaction rating improved in classification across most issues, except in: foreign relations, where it remained “good”, though up by a point; eradicating graft and corruption (up 11 points) and fighting crime (up 3 points), where scores were still classified as “moderate”; fighting inflation (up 5 points) and ensuring that oil firms don’t take advantage of oil prices (up 4 points) where ratings remained “neutral”; and resolving the Maguindanao massacre case with justice where the score remained “poor”, despite a 3-point improvement.

Also compared to the previous quarter, net satisfaction stayed “very good” in Mindanao (+63 from +57), “good” in Metro Manila (down to +44 from +48), and rose to “very good” from “good” in the Visayas (+51 from +47) and in “Balance Luzon” (+59 from +37).

Net satisfaction also rose to “very good” from “good” for economic classes ABC (+62 from +45), D (+57 from +48) and E (+52 from +36) in these periods.

“We are… encouraged by a high level of public satisfaction, but we know fully well that we need to work even harder to attain our goals…in spurring more vigorous and inclusive economic growth,” Presidential Communications and Operations Office Secretary Herminio B. Coloma, Jr. said via text.
Source: Business World, Oct. 17, 2011
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