Governance News

DBM’s open governance and transparency initiative

Through the Electronic Transparency and Accountability Initiative for Lump Sum Funds (eTAILS), the DBM seeks to bring daylight into the use of lump sum funds.

eTAILS is a management information system that digitizes and reduces human intervention in the processing and release of lump sum funds. It helps accurately keep track of information on such releases: how much, for what project, in what location, to which implementing agency, and – in the case of the Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) – endorsed by which legislator.

eTAILS then supports the timely disclosure of lump sum fund release information on the DBM website ( all available for the public to inspect.

That is eTAILS Phase I. At present, the module for the PDAF has been rolled-out. Those for other lump-sum funds – such as the Internal Revenue Allotment of local governments and the School Building Fund – are now under development.

eTAILS Phase II is envisioned to strengthen accountability in the use of such funds. This will enable agencies to electronically submit reports – together with photos, videos and other supporting files – on projects under lump sum funds. These will be uploaded online for the public to inspect.

Phase II will allow citizens themselves to file their own reports on these projects and hold public officials to account! (Source: eTAILS pamphlet distributed during the Open Budget Initiatives Launch, 20 July 2011)

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