Legislation News

How a bill becomes a law









Preparation of bill


Preparation of bill


> Drafting of bill by the Senator (through either his staff or a proponent)


> Drafting of bill by the Representative (through either his staff or a proponent)


> Filing of bill


> Filing of bill


* the bill is assigned a number


* the bill is assigned a number


First Reading in Plenary


First Reading in Plenary


> Committee Referral


> Committee Referral


Committee consideration/action


Committee consideration/action


> Committee Hearing(s)


> Committee Hearing(s)


> Technical Working Group (if necessary to consolidate several versions)


> Technical Working Group (if necessary to consolidate several versions)




* The hearing is conducted by the Mother Committee (primary committee




referral) then by the Committee on Appropriation and Ways and Means Committee if there are pertinent approrpriatiion provision and provisions that will impact on government revenues, respectively.


> Drafting of Committee Report


> Drafting of Committee Report


> Filing of Committee Report (after aproval by majority of Members)


> Filing of Committee Report (after aproval by majority of Members)


* the Committee Report/ Substitute bill is assigned a number


* the Committee Report/ Substitute bill is assigned a number


Plenary consideration/ Second Reading


Plenary consideration/ Second Reading


> Sponsorship of Committee Chairperson and co-authors/co-sponsors


> Sponsorship of Committee Chairperson and co-authors/co-sponsors


> Interpellations by members of Senate


> Interpellations by members of the House of Representatives


> Period of Amendments


> Period of Amendments


       – Committee amendments


       – Committee amendments


       – Individual amendments


       – Individual amendments


> Second reading through voting by members of Senate


> Second reading through voting by members of the House of Representatives


* Second reading approval may be re-considered to allow perfecting/


* Second reading approval may be re-considered to allow perfecting/


additional amendments in plenary or CR may be re-committed to the


additional amendments in plenary or CR may be re-committed to the


Mother Committee


Mother Committee


Plenary consideration/ Third Reading


Plenary consideration/ Third Reading


> Third reading of the bill through voting by members of Senate


> Third reading of the bill through voting by members of the House of Representatives


* Approval on Third Reading takes place 3 session days after distribution of copies of approved on Second reading version to the Members except if the


* Approval on Third Reading takes place 3 session days after distribution of copies of approved on Second reading version to the Members except if the


bill was certified urgent by the President in which case the 3 days is dispensed with.


bill was certified urgent by the President in which case the 3 days is dispensed with.


Sent to House of Representatives for concurrence


Sent to the Senate for concurrence


> if House of Rep still has no counterpart bill that has been acted on, then this bill undergoes the usual process of legislation


> if Senate still has no counterpart bill that has been acted on, then this bill undergoes the usual process of legislation


Consolidation of Senate and House version


Consolidation of  House and Senate version


> if compatible, then versions are consolidated into one enrolled bill


> if compatible, then versions are consolidated into one enrolled bill


> if there are differences, a BICAMERAL CONFERENCE COMMITTEE is formed to reconcile conflicting provisions*


> if there are differences, a BICAMERAL CONFERENCE COMMITTEE is formed to reconcile conflicting provisions



Filing/ Ratification of Conference Committee Report by both Chambers


Filing/ Ratification of Conference Committee Report by both Chambers


Preparation and Printing of Enrolled Bill




Transmittal of Enrolled Bill to the President for approval


> if signed, then bill becomes LAW


> if vetoed, then bill is returned to Congress


          – if Senate decides to override veto, then a 2/3 vote of all members must be obtained, PROVIDED that the House of Representatives likewise follows this condition


>  if President fails to communicate his veto of the bill within 30 days after receipt thereof, the bill shall lapse into law


* Note: Bicam Committee can come up with a bill different from the Senate and the House (Tolentino vs. Sec. of Finance)


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