Legislation News

House vows to approve more socio-economic bills

MANILA, Philippines – More socio-economic and anti-corruption measures are up for approval in the House of Representatives upon the resumption of session tomorrow, Speaker Feliciano Belmonte Jr. vowed yesterday.

“We are drawing up a list of bills that are already in the final stages of legislative work, so we can fast-track their approval, initially I would say most of them are socio-economic bills, and some anti-corruption measures,” Belmonte said in a telephone interview.

He said among the measures lined-up for approval either on second reading or third reading are the Anti-Trust Bill and the proposed amendments to the Insurance Code. The two bills are among the priority measures of the Aquino administration and the House leadership.

The proposed Anti-Trust Act aims to promote competitiveness and fair play in business. Approved on second reading, the proposed amendments to the Insurance Code aim to strengthen the insurance industry and accelerate its growth.

The Speaker said the chamber in the last several weeks had been preoccupied with deliberating on and approving the proposed P1.8-trillion proposed national budget for 2012. The chamber approved the budget program on record time last month. With the chamber’s swift approval of the budget, House members can now devote their full attention to pending bills. He also noted the high attendance in the 286-member chamber, at over 90 percent during session days.

Belmonte earlier spearheaded the first legislative summit on Sept. 29 with Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile to help harmonize and coordinate the work of both chambers.

House Majority Leader and Mandaluyong Rep. Neptali Gonzales II said he expects a slew of committee reports from various panels in the chamber to be submitted for approval in the plenary starting this week.

Other urgent bills in the pipeline are the Anti-Cybercrime Bill, Lowering the Age of Criminal Responsibility of Minors, Institutionalizing Kindergarten Education, Filipino Volunteerism Act, Terrorist Financing Suppression Act, Revitalizing the Coconut Industry Act, the Student Loan Bill, and Sustainable Forest Management Bill.

The controversial Reproductive Health Bill and the Freedom of Information Bill are on the list of priorities of both chambers.

Before it went on a break last month, the chamber approved on second reading two bills listed as priorities by the Legislative-Executive Development Advisory Council, namely, House Bill 4185 or Defining the Maritime Zones of the Republic of the Philippines and HB 4275, Strengthening the Anti-Money Laundering Law.

From July 25 to Oct. 12, Belmonte said the House acknowledged receipt of some 1,545 measures (1,168 Bills and 377 Resolutions) for the second regular session.

Of the bills filed, 207 bills have been approved on third reading, including 25 of national scope and 181 of local significance. Ten measures have been passed on second reading of which four are of national significance.

Belmonte noted in particular the third reading approval of environment measures-the Hazardous and Radioactive Waste Management Act and the bill banning plastic bags thinner than 15 microns.

“These twin measures are essential at protecting our environment, the destruction of which cause greater damage on the poor that have less resources and therefore lower adaptive capacity,” he said.

Also vital is the passage on third reading of the measure implementing “open learning through distance education” system as an alternative way to quality education.

“It is designed to lower the cost of education through, among others, digital interconnection. It also supports our quest to further develop our human resources, and improve the efficiency and employability of the members of our labor force,” Belmonte said.
By: Paolo Romero
Source: The Philippine Star, Nov. 13, 2011
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