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Taiwan to help Indonesia with tourist destination development

Regional News

Taipei, Nov. 10 (CNA) Taiwan has reached a deal with Indonesia to jointly develop a remote Indonesian island into a tourist destination, a government-affiliated organization designated to carry out the project said Thursday.

The two countries are likely to form a holding company to implement the project, which will probably focus on the island’s ecotourism potential, said Tao Wen-lung, secretary-general of the International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF). A team from the ICDF will join experts from Indonesia’s Bogor Agricultural University on a Nov. 13-19 fact-finding tour of the island, Tao said.

Located in northeastern Indonesia’s North Maluku Province, Morotai would be a roughly three-hour flight from Taiwan — if there was a place to land a plane. The island, which has a population of 50,000, was an important air base during World War II. Tao said he last visited Morotai in January and was attracted to the island’s pristine environment and ecotourism potential, such as its beautiful coral reefs and war relics. The island has a large but completely overgrown airstrip, he said, adding that the development project is expected to be completed in just one year and will be very helpful in enhancing unofficial ties between Taiwan and Indonesia.
By: Lee Shu-hua and Y.F. Low
Source: Taiwan News, Nov. 10, 2011
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