Social Service: Education News

Construction industry seeks gov’t support on education, HRD

The Philippine Constructors Association is seeking government support to improve the quality of education in engineering discipline and to make quality education accessible to more people, especially those eyeing careers in the construction industry.

According to PCA, high-quality education programs are essential in producing construction professionals who can compete with the best in the world.

Under its education roadmap, PCA asked the government to provide financial assistance for education, a viable ladderized program for engineering, an improved grade school and high school curriculum, and a revised engineering curriculum that fit with the requirements of the Washington Accord.

The Washington Accord started in 1989 with six signatories: Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, United Kingdom and the United States. When it first expanded from 1995 to 2006, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore and South Africa signed the agreement as well. Since then, four other signatories—Chinese Taipei, Korea, Malaysia and Turkey—had acceded to the pact.

Under the agreement, the signatories are compelled to identify and urge the implementation of best practices in the field of engineering studies in their respective countries.

Among themselves, they should do mutual monitoring and invite each other for accreditation visits. They should also share information on accreditation criteria, systems, procedures, manuals, publications and lists of accredited programs.

The Institute of Electronics Engineers of the Philippines is urging the government to become a signatory to the Washington Accord to help improve the quality of engineering education in the country.

Also under the PCA’s education roadmap, the group sought to strengthen industry-academe linkages through on-the-job training programs that would prepare students for work in the real world.

The group also called for the updating of the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority’s training regulations, as well as the placement of Engineering Centers of Excellence as pilot schools.

PCA recently presented its education roadmap to the Export Development Council and the National Competitiveness Council.
By: Abigail L. Ho
Source: Philippine Daily Inquirer, Nov. 30, 2011
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