Part 4 News: General Business EnvironmentSecurity News

Aquino forms peace council

Aquino forms peace council


Nikko Dizon

Philippine Daily Inquirer

1:59 AM | Saturday, March 28th, 2015

Davide, head of the Truth Commission that Malacañang tried to establish in 2010 to investigate official abuses during the Arroyo administration but was struck down as unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, is reportedly in Hawaii.

The draft BBL has been disparaged by lawmakers, including those who initially endorsed it like Sen. Alan Peter Cayetano, because of supposed unconstitutional provisions and its being lopsided in favor of the MILF.

It is already a race against time for the creation of the Bangsamoro autonomous region, which would replace the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) that Mr. Aquino once described as a “failed experiment.”

The government and the MILF have both expressed hope that the BBL would be passed before Mr. Aquino’s final address to a joint session of Congress in July.

Congressional leaders have agreed to pass the bill by June, before the adjournment of the second regular session of the 16th Congress.

Mamasapano incident

Work on the BBL has been suspended after the deaths of 44 Philippine National Police Special Action Force (SAF) commandos in a gun battle with Moro rebels in Mamasapano, Maguindanao province, on Jan. 25.

The SAF commandos infiltrated into Moro rebel-controlled Mamasapano to capture Malaysian terrorists Zulkifli bin Hir, alias “Marwan,” and Amin Baco, alias “Jihad,” and their Filipino associate, Basit Usman.

The commandos killed Marwan, but they were ambushed by rebels from the MILF, Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters, Justice for Islamic Movement and armed residents of Mamasapano as they withdrew from the town.

Critics of the peace process blamed the MILF for the bloodbath, even after the admission of the sacked SAF commander, Director Getulio Napeñas, that he deliberately bypassed the ceasefire procedures because he distrusted both the military and the MILF.

The MILF lost 17 fighters in the clash with the SAF commandos. Three civilians also died in the cross fire.

Baco and Usman escaped, and are now being hunted by the military.


In his speech on Friday, President Aquino stressed the importance of continued talks between the government and the MILF.

But he also pointed out that MILF leaders like Murad Ebrahim and Mohagher Iqbal are “not getting any younger.”

“There is no guarantee that those who will follow them will show the same trust and the same desire to lay down arms. Should we fail to pass the BBL, how can we urge their men to continue the search for peace? Should that happen, would it not be easier for the violent elements in their ranks to say, ‘See, negotiations and dialogue lead to nothing, our guns are still more powerful.’ Let us remember: The potential of two generations has been wasted because of conflict. Now that we are all here, are we going to allow the succeeding generations to meet the same fate?” Mr. Aquino said.

No celebration

The Mamasapano incident overshadowed the first anniversary of the signing of the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro (CAB).

Far from the pomp and pageantry of the historic signing of the peace deal last year in Malacañang, President Aquino made his televised address at a sleepy hour, 2 p.m., with only journalists as his audience at the Kalayaan Hall on the Palace grounds.


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