Governance News

Aquino off to champion campaign vs corruption

NEW YORK — President Benigno S. C. Aquino III will be in the United States from September 18 to 23 to tout his credentials as a corruption fighter who shares Washington’s vision of accountability and good governance.

Mr. Aquino was scheduled to leave late yesterday evening on board a Philippine Airlines flight. At least seven Cabinet officials and the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas chief are part of the delegation. The official visit, Malacañang yesterday said, will cost taxpayers P24.8 million.

His second American trip in one year, Mr. Aquino will be traveling to New York and Washington D.C. A Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) statement said he was invited by US President Barack Obama to the official launch of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) in New York on Sept. 20.

“The visit aims to enhance the country’s strategic profile by underscoring the Aquino government’s demonstrated commitment to its good governance and anti-corruption agenda,” the DFA statement said.

Mr. Aquino will keynote an OGP forum on “The Power of Open: A Global Discussion.” The Philippines is one of eight members of the OGP steering committee. The others are Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico, Norway, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Introduced on July 12, the OGP is a multilateral initiative that seeks to promote transparency and accountability in governments.

While in New York, Mr. Aquino will be conferred a Doctor of Laws, Honoris Causa degree by Fordham University on Sept. 19. “This is rather historic,” said Consul General Mario de Leon, Jr., as Fordham also conferred an honorary degree on his mother, then-President Corazon Aquino, in 1986.
Following tradition, the names of over 30 world leaders conferred a degree are carved on the steps of the “Terrace of the Presidents” at Keating Hall. “Aquino’s name will be inscribed near his mother’s name,” Mr. de Leon said.

Also in New York, Mr. Aquino is scheduled to keynote the IBM Centennial Forum. He will also have meetings with executives from the US-ASEAN Business Council, US Chamber of Commerce and the Philippine-American Chamber of Commerce, and is scheduled to speak before Google officials, Mr. de Leon said.

On Sept. 20, Mr. Aquino will speak before the Asia Society. It will be another “historic meeting,” said Mr. de Leon, with Mr. Aquino being the third member of his family to deliver an address before the Asia Society. His father, Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino, did a lecture there when the family was in exile in Boston, and Cory Aquino also spoke before the organization when she was president.

Mr. Aquino will be in Washington D.C. Sept. 21 to speak before the IMF-World Bank Annual Meetings.

“The lecture will center on the theme of citizen empowerment, good governance and fighting corruption as agents of poverty reduction,” the DFA said.

In D.C., he will visit with Senator Daniel Inouye, President Pro Tempore of the US Senate, to thank him for his continued support of Philippine causes.
His schedule includes a meeting with the Filipino community in Washington D.C., Maryland and Virginia.
By: Cristina DC Pastor with a report from Johanna P. D. Poblete 
Source: Business World, Sept. 18, 2011
To view the original article, click here.

To read the transcript of President Aquino’s speech at Fordham University given on September 19, 2011, click here.

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