Governance NewsMacroeconomic Policy NewsPart 4 News: General Business Environment

Bangsamoro body funded

THE DEPARTMENT of Budget and Management (DBM) has released funds to the Bangsamoro Transition Commission in line with the southern peace process.

In a statement, the department said yesterday that it has infused ₱42 million — of which ₱29 million was released as cash — for the use of the commission.

Pursuant to Executive Order No. 120 signed by President Benigno S. C. Aquino III last Dec. 17, 2012, the Bangsamoro Transition Commission was constituted to draft the proposed Bangsamoro Basic Law with provisions consistent with the Framework Agreement on the Bangsamoro.

The framework agreement was signed by the Philippine government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) in October last year.

“This is in line the Aquino administration’s goal of facilitating socioeconomic reform and development in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) through the creation of the Bangsamoro Basic Law,” said Budget Secretary Florencio B. Abad.

“This release is meant to cover the initial budgetary requirements of the Transition Commission, particularly for its operational needs. The administration has already mobilized the necessary talent and resources to establish the commission and ensure its success in drafting the Bangsamoro Basic Law,” Mr. Abad said.

The release was funded out of the Miscellaneous and Personnel Benefits Fund (MPBF) under the 2013 budget and the 2013 contingent fund.

It is part of the ₱100 million authorized by the President to support the operations and personnel requirements of the commission.

Of the total amount, ₱17.03 million will go to the commission’s requirements for personnel services, in particular for the 16 officials appointed to be part of the entity, and the remaining ₱25 million will be part of its maintenance and other operating expenditures, the department said.

“In the long term, the Transition Commission will play a crucial role in fostering and sustaining peaceful dialogue between the Administration and the Bangsamoro,” Mr. Abad said.

“We are taking the necessary steps towards supporting the realization of a truly united, accountable and participative Bangsamoro, guided by our peace and development agenda for the region. We believe that the fruition of our goal to provide better public services, improved economic development, and more job opportunities for Bangsamoro constituents is already under way,” added Mr. Abad.

The Bangsamoro Transition Commission is in the process of finalizing the annexes to complete the details of the framework peace deal, particularly on the existence of the proposed Bangsamoro region that will replace the existing ARMM.

The proposed Bangsamoro law should be approved by Congress, enacted and submitted to a plebiscite among concerned residents. The process should be completed before the current administration steps down in 2016.


Source: B. F. V. Roc, BusinessWorld, 23 May 2013

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