Governance News

Breaking News: Court issues arrest warrant for former Philippine president on electoral fraud charges

MANILA, Philippines — A Philippine court issued an arrest warrant Friday for former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo on electoral fraud charges as part a high-profile tug of war to prevent any chance of her turning fugitive.

Arroyo denies any wrongdoing and accuses the government of violating her rights by stopping her from leaving the Philippines for foreign medical treatment for a bone ailment. Her lawyer, Ferdinand Topacio, said the government had filed charges with “indecent haste” in what he called an “emerging pattern of persecution.”

The Supreme Court earlier Friday upheld her right to travel, but a lower court, where the formal charges were filed, later issued a warrant of arrest that effectively bars her from leaving.

Arroyo was recovering in the hospital since her failed attempt to leave the country Tuesday, and it was doubtful she would be immediately hauled to jail given her medical condition.

“The order for the warrant of arrest has been given to law enforcers,” said clerk of court Joel Pelicano. “The lawyers have all legal options. Hospital arrest is possible. The arresting officers will look at her health if that is needed.”

In a drama that has galvanized the Philippines, Arroyo, sitting in a wheelchair and wearing a head and neck brace, was turned back Tuesday night from boarding a flight out of Manila. Authorities said she was still under investigation and might become a fugitive.

Her successor and staunch critic, President Benigno Aquino III, was overwhelmingly elected on promises to rid the Philippines of corruption and has said he wants to start with Arroyo.

The former president sought help from the Supreme Court, which issued a temporary clearance for her to travel and again reaffirmed it Friday. But the government ignored it, saying national interest and uncovering the truth was more important than an individual’s right to travel.

“It is our desire that truth and accountability prevail and that the Filipino people be given the justice they truly deserve,” Justice Secretary Leila de Lima told reporters.

The Commission on Election on Friday filed election fraud charges, which carry a penalty of 40 years imprisonment. Arroyo legal spokesman Raul Lambino said the case against her has been fabricated.

“This is a high form of injustice,” Lambino said.

The charges stem from allegations that Arroyo conspired with officials to tamper with results of 2007 congressional polls to favor her candidates.

After stepping down last year, Arroyo, 64, was elected to the House of Representatives and immediately faced at least half a dozen complaints, also alleging she diverted state funds for her campaign effort and benefited from foreign contracts.

The Justice Department is still investigating the other complaints.

Arroyo would be the second Philippine president to face trial, after her predecessor, Joseph Estrada, was toppled in a 2001 military-backed revolt on corruption charges and sentenced to life. He was later pardoned by Arroyo.

Associated Press writer Teresa Cerojano contributed to this report.
By: AP
Source: The Washington Post, Nov. 18, 2011
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