Gov’t sees Q3 growth gain

ECONOMIC GROWTH likely improved in the third quarter from April-June, a Cabinet official said, citing “still robust” private investments, a service

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Many MDGs could be missed

THE PHILIPPINES remains behind schedule -- by a decade or longer in a number of indicators -- three years before the deadline to meet the so-called

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China Housing Prices Decline

Accelerating Fall in Sector Signals Government Efforts Are Working, but Raises Fears About Growth BEIJING—A decline in China's property prices is p

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Marry the TPP to the WTO

Regional News This is a re-posted opinion piece. The world's most important trade initiative can take advantage of the WTO's openness and enforcemen

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Why China Is Unhappy

Regional News This is a re-posted opinion piece. Rising discontent is challenging Communist Party rule. If economic growth is supposed to enhance p

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