Investment grade

SKETCHES By Ana Marie Pamintuan The administration is still basking in the glow of the country’s first-ever investment grade rating from Fitch. The

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Starting to attract FDI?

DEMAND AND SUPPLY By Boo Chanco If DTI Secretary Greg Domingo is to be believed, we are no longer the wallflower in the FDI ball. Investors are fin

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Half Pivot

From The Rushford Report Let’s cast a gimlet eye on President Barack Obama’s “pivot” toward Asia. Viewed from important Asian capital cities — T

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Manila Makes the Upgrade

REVIEW & OUTLOOK ASIA One of the brighter economic growth stories in Asia over the past year got a little brighter yesterday, when the Philippi

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MTDP to be updated

THE GOVERNMENT is coming up with an updated medium-term development plan (MTDP) that will be centered on “job creation” and will be presented by Presi

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Elusive momentum

  Our economy’s growth rate may have stepped up to 6.6 percent from 3.9 percent in 2011, but that’s still not quite growing twice as fast—

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Follow through

The country is back on the radar of foreign investors, President Aquino declared upon his return the other day from the World Economic Forum in Sw

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