Reforms urgently needed

"A HUGE WINDOW of opportunity" needs to be seized by the government if it is to implement reforms that will accelerate growth and reduce poverty, the

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Arangkada Forum Q&A: Labor

Participants at the Arangkada Philippines Forum submitted questions for panelists and speakers as well as questions regarding the First Anniversary

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Q&A at the Arangkada Forum

Q&A at the Arangkada Forum Participants of the Arangkada Philippines Forum submitted questions for panelists and speakers as well as questions

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The economy is slowing

This is a re-posted opinion piece. From January to September this year, economic output grew by 3.6%, way below the lower end of the governmentís rev

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Q3 result a letdown

ECONOMIC GROWTH slowed drastically to just 3.2% in the third quarter, dragged down by a weak agriculture sector and a plunge in construction activit

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Why go to Myanmar?

Regional News This is a re-posted newsletter article. By Ernest Bower, Senior Adviser & Director, Southeast Asia Program, CSIS Why should Hilla

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Lost decade

This is a re-posted opinion piece. How should one rate Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s economic performance during her nine-and-a-half year reign? My short

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