Balancing needs

This is a re-posted op-ed piece. With a Guinness World Record recognition possible, it seems certain that “Lolong” the crocodile from the Agusan Mars

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Marketing the country

This is a re-posted opinion piece. Now that there’s a new secretary of tourism, what happens to the comprehensive National Tourism Development Plan t

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Marketing the Philippines

This is a re-posted op/ed piece. An advertising man has replaced a businessman as the country’s tourism chief. This indicates that President Aquino s

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The reputation of our airports depends on the total commitment, selfless dedication, and professional effort poured out by our airports’ governors,

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The next 2,000 days

This is a re-posted opinion piece. MANILA, Philippines -- There are about 2,190 days in a six-year presidential term. The first 100 days usually beco

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