Good news comes in threes too

It seems that good news for the country is such a rarity this days -- legitimate good news, that is, rather than the press-release-image-building ki

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Justice delayed

This is a re-posted op-ed piece. Nearly six years after he was convicted by a court martial for violation of the Articles of War, retired military co

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DOJ indicts Asiatique execs

MANILA, Philippines - The Department of Justice (DOJ) has approved the criminal indictment of executives and officers of housing developer Globe Asi

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Elusive justice

This is a re-posted editorial/opinion piece. The justice system during Corazon Aquino’s presidency failed to uncover the whole truth behind the assas

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A farcical probe

This is a re-posted opinion piece. Remember Gerry Ortega? He was the broadcaster, environmentalist, and corruption whistleblower, not to mention vete

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Still, impunity

This is a reposted editorial piece. A year into the Aquino administration, human rights continue to be violated with impunity by government forces in

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