The economy is slowing

This is a re-posted opinion piece. From January to September this year, economic output grew by 3.6%, way below the lower end of the governmentís rev

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Memo to Mar: Just do it!

This is a re-posted opinion piece. Okay, I realize you can’t “just do it” in government. They have rules that must be followed. Shortcuts can be pain

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New PPP schedule drawn up

THE GOVERNMENT’S delayed public-private partnership (PPP) initiative could finally take off next year with 15 projects having been tentatively sched

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Infrastructure fund eyed

STATE-RUN Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) is in discussions with multilateral agencies to develop an “infrastructure fund” that would pur

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Among the worst

This is a re-posted opinion piece. After the Philippines recently bagged two dubious honors for being among the world’s worst, boxing champion Manny

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