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DENR stops mining in ARMM for new audit

DENR stops mining in ARMM for new audit

Nash B. Maulana, Inquirer Mindanao | 02:19 AM July 15th, 2016

COTABATO CITY—The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) has suspended all mining operations in the region.

The move came in the wake of an audit of all mining operations ordered by Environment Secretary Gina Lopez.

President Rodrigo Duterte has taken a tough stance against what he said was irresponsible mining that has destroyed the land but did not benefit the people

The ARMM office of the DENR issued the order after Gov. Mujive Hataman, who won reelection, issued a policy statement on mining when he assumed office on June 30.

Hadji Kahal Kedtag, ARMM environment secretary, said the order to suspend mining in the region was released on July 12 after the DENR office in ARMM finished organizing a task group to conduct a performance audit of mining firms and review permits issued for mining operations.

Executive Order No. 79, issued by Hataman, outlines reforms in the mining sector and provides guidelines for environmental protection in mining operations.

The ARMM has been empowered by its charter and mining laws to issue mineral production sharing agreements (MPSAs).

Among the companies issued MPSAs by the ARMM government are Dasussalam Mining Co., Al Tawi-Tawi Nickel Group, Singcara Mining and Development Corp., Pax Libera Mining Inc., Chan C. Mining and Hikanjay Mining Inc. The companies operate in Tawi-Tawi province.

These, and other mining firms in ARMM, are required to prove compliance with laws governing environmental protection, relationship with communities affected by mining and rehabilitation of mined out areas.

Failure to do so, said Kedtag, would lead to the closure of the companies.

On orders of Hataman, the DENR office of ARMM sent members of the task group to Tawi-Tawi that include officials of the regional DENR office and representatives of civil society groups.

They would conduct a monthlong audit of mining firms’ compliance with responsible mining requirements.

Lawyer Randolph Parcasio, a former consultant for the United Nations Development Program, leads the task group.


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