Agribusiness NewsPart 3 News: Seven Winning Sectors

Despite subsidies, agriculture firms suffer jobs decline

Despite subsidies, agriculture firms suffer jobs decline

Category: Agri-Commodities 06 Aug 2014

Written by Cai U. Ordinario

DESPITE a fivefold increase in government subsidies for agriculture, forestry and fishing establishments with total employment of 20 and over, there was a 2.5-percent decline in the number of jobs the industry generated in 2012.

In the preliminary results of the 2012 census of agriculture, forestry and fishing establishments with total employment of 20 and over, the national government extended a total of P3.5 billion to the industry in 2012, a 469.7-percent growth from the P619.3 million in 2010.

However, in terms of employment, the number of workers in these establishments declined by 3,208 in 2012.The total employment generated by the industry hit 124,548 workers in 2012 from 127,756 workers in 2010.

The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) data also showed that the government’s support activities to agriculture and post-harvest crop activities received P3.5 billion or 98.9 percent of the total subsidies.

Other industries that received subsidies in 2012 included: growing of perennial crops, which received a total of P36.8 million or 1 percent; growing of non-perennial crops, P2 million or 0.1 percent; and, aquaculture, P0.2 million or less than 0.1 percent.

In terms of employment, data showed that four of the seven industries in the sector employed fewer workers in 2012 as compared to 2010.

Data showed that the fishing industry recorded the largest cut in total employment from 15,482 workers in 2010 to 12,956 workers  in 2012 or a decline of 2,526 workers or 16.3 percent.

In the growing of non-perennial crops, employment also posted a decrease of 750 workers or 2.4 percent from 31,753 workers in 2010 to 31,003 workers in 2012.

Other industries with negative growth in total employment included silviculture (the growing and cultivation of trees) and other forestry activities and support services to forestry to 405 workers in 2012. This means the number of workers in this sector was more than halved as the figure represents a 56.4-percent drop from 928 workers in 2010.

Aquaculture also suffered a decline in employment to 3,077 workers in 2012, an 11.5-percent decline from 3,475 workers in 2010.

In terms of regions, Davao emerged as the largest employment generator in 2012 with 31,081 workers or 25 percent of the total.

Western Visayas followed with 24,169 workers or 19.4 percent of the total; Soccsksargen with 16,319 workers or 13.1 percent; Northern Mindanao with 12,836 workers or 10.3 percent; and the National Capital Region (NCR) with 11,391 workers or 9.1 percent.

Among the top five regions, the PSA said Northern Mindanao registered the largest decrease in total employment with 25.8-percent decline from 17,308 workers in 2010.

“The average number of workers per establishment for the sector was recorded at 146, decreasing by 15.1 percent from 172 in 2010,” the PSA said.

Government data also showed that all the industry groups showed declines in the average number of workers per establishment.

The industry of growing of perennial crops, which employed the highest average number of workers per establishment, suffered a 5.4-percent decline to 388 workers in 2012 from 410 workers in 2010.

Moreover, the average number of workers per establishment in the industry of support activities to agriculture and post-harvest crop activities showed a 48.8-percent decline to 123 workers in 2012 from 240 workers in 2010.

Overall, the PSA data showed that there was a 15.1-percent increase to 856 establishments in the agriculture, forestry and fishing establishments with total employment of 20 and over in 2012 from the 744 establishments recorded in 2010.

“The positive growth was mainly brought by the 112 newly listed establishments in the ‘2012 List of Establishments,’” the PSA said.

Among the industry groups, animal production led the sector with 244 establishments, accounting for 28.5 percent of the total number of establishments.

The industry of growing of non-perennial crops came next with 241 or  28.2 percent. This was followed by the growing of perennial crops with 144 establishments or 16.8 percent of the total. The fishing sector posted 103 establishments or 12 percent of the total.

Data collected from the census provide information on the levels, structure, performance, and trends of economic activities of the country. It also serves as benchmark information in the measurement and comparison of national and regional economic growth.

The census was conducted nationwide in April 2013 with the year 2012 as the reference period of data, except for employment, which is as of November 15, 2012.



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