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[EDITORIAL] JFC calls for urgent reforms to address PHL airport issues

May 30, 2024

Passengers traveling through the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (Naia) have long endured the frustrations of chaotic and disorganized conditions. Regrettably, a number of events at Naia, including flight delays caused by technical issues with the navigational air traffic management system and power outages, have only exacerbated the airport’s reputation as one of the most stressful in Asia. In light of these challenges, the Joint Foreign Chambers (JFC) has called on legislators to prioritize critical bills aimed at overhauling the governance framework of the country’s airports.(Read the BusinessMirror story: “JFC pitches bills overhauling airports’ policy framework,” May 28, 2024).

The JFC, representing over 3,000 member companies and more than $100 billion in trade and $30 billion in investments in the Philippines, has identified three urgent reforms that would enhance the safety, efficiency, and quality of domestic and international airports across the nation. These reforms include amendments to the Civil Aviation Authority Act of the Philippines (CAAP) Law, the creation of the Philippine Airports Authority, and the establishment of the Philippine Transportation Safety Board.

Amendments to the CAAP Law are essential to bolster the agency’s role in safety oversight. By improving human resource development, strengthening the board, and aligning with global safety standards, the CAAP would be better equipped to ensure the highest levels of safety within the aviation industry. This would provide passengers with much-needed reassurance, making them feel safe and secure.

The creation of the Philippine Airports Authority would address the conflicting roles of the CAAP as both an airport regulator and operator. By separating these functions, operational efficiency can be improved, ensuring a smoother and more streamlined experience for passengers and airlines alike. This step is crucial in reducing delays, congestion, and other operational challenges that have plagued Naia and other airports in the country.

Lastly, the establishment of the Philippine Transportation Safety Board would significantly enhance the government’s capacity to investigate accidents and strengthen overall transportation safety. By conducting thorough investigations and implementing necessary measures, this independent body would play a pivotal role in preventing future incidents and safeguarding the well-being of passengers.

The recent events at Naia, coupled with other unfortunate occurrences such as power interruptions, congestion, and sanitary issues, have underscored the pressing need for robust regulatory and operational frameworks. It is imperative that the government prioritizes these legislative reforms to prevent similar incidents from recurring in the future.

The JFC’s call for these reforms should not be taken lightly. The coalition represents a substantial investment in the Philippines and aims to promote open international trade, increased foreign investment, and improved business conditions. The proposed reforms hold the potential to revolutionize the Philippine aviation sector, creating a safer and more efficient environment that will attract more travelers, airlines, and businesses.

The reforms proposed by the JFC to overhaul the governance framework of the country’s airports are of paramount importance. These reforms would enhance safety, efficiency, and service quality, addressing the long-standing issues that have plagued the country’s airports. It is incumbent upon the government and legislators to heed the call of the JFC and prioritize these critical measures. By doing so, they would demonstrate a commitment to providing a world-class airport experience for both domestic and international travelers, boosting the country’s economy and reputation in the process.
