Governance News

Foreign businesses push for FOI, whistle-blower bills

To further boost transparency and curb corruption, the Joint Foreign Chambers is pushing for the immediate passage of the Freedom of Information Bill and the Whistle-blowers Act.

“We advocate the passage of the FOI Act. There has to be stronger powers to compel the disclosure of information (regarding government transactions). We also support the Whistle-blowers Act, to encourage people to tell on officials who are committing corruption,” American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines senior advisor John Forbes said.

The JFC—composed of American, Australian, Canadian, European, Korean, and New Zealand-based businesses—is seeking greater collaboration among the Department of Justice, Supreme Court, and the Office of the Ombudsman to stamp out corruption both in the public and private sectors.

The FOI Bill, had it been passed last Congress, would have been a landmark legislation, as it would mandate full disclosure of information related to government transactions.

Officials denying access to information would face stiff sanctions.
The Whistle-blowers Act, on the other hand, sought to protect whistle-blowers and witnesses from the risks related to their exposure of irregularities committed by government officials.

The measure was among the priority bills listed by the Legislative-Executive Development Advisory Council.
By: Abigail L. Ho
Source: The Philippine Daily Inquirer, July 23, 2011
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