International Container Terminal Services, Inc. (ICTSI) is focused on the development, operation and management of common-user container terminals worldwide, particularly in strategically located gateway ports. In most of the facilities that we operate, ICTSI serves as a partner of long and good standing for national governments which have sought to maximize the potential of their maritime port assets, primarily through privatization or sale.
ICTSI is the world’s largest independent port and terminal operator that can provide equal standards of service to all shipping line clients. The company is dedicated to achieving the highest standards of transportation and distribution efficiency. ICTSI works ceaselessly to drive these efficiencies to continually higher levels, with the goal of continuously building customer and shareholder value.
Established in 1987 with its headquarters in Manila, Philippines, ICTSI built a solid foundation in the port industry as it took part in the Philippine government’s first port privatization effort for the Manila International Container Terminal (MICT). Today, MICT is the largest and most modern container terminal in the Philippines.
ICTSI is involved in the development, operation and management of ports and terminals in Asia-Pacific, the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa—including in the world’s advanced economies. ICTSI continues to seek port privatization opportunities and port asset sales worldwide, particularly with governments looking to divest or monetize port assets privatization processes in advanced, developed and emerging economies. In doing the company has established itself as a proven and preferred partner in privatization efforts around the world.