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House to install additional e-voting gadget at the Plenary Hall

This is a re-posted press release.

The House of Representatives will install an additional e-voting interface gadget at the session hall to facilitate a more accurate and faster system of voting on important matters.

Rep. Alfredo Benitez (3rd District, Negros Occidental) said former House Speaker Prospero Nograles was responsible for the installation of the electronic voting system interface gadgets in the session hall during his term.

“The objective is to encourage lawmakers’ attendance and promote efficiency in plenary procedures especially during voting on important measures,” Benitez said.

Benitez said the 239 e-voting gadgets already installed at the session hall run short of 46 gadgets since the chamber now has a total of 285 members.

Benitez said additional funding is needed for the installation of 46 additional e-voting interface gadgets and other electronic and cabling requirements to enable its operation.

“The e-voting system allows for the immediate availability of results, which shall be incorporated in the records of proceedings, and provides for more statistical information on voting results for analysis and information to the public,” Benitez said.

Benitez, author of House Resolution 1783 that calls on the House of Representatives to review and evaluate the biometric electronic voting system in the chamber, said many countries in Asia have already installed and implemented the e-voting system in their parliamentary session including the National assembly of Thailand and the Korean National Assembly.

The House of Representatives has started using the Biometric Electronic Voting System during the resumption of its session in January 28, 2008.

Benitez said the House Committee on Rules needs to convene an Ad Hoc Committee to amend the House Rules with regard to the additional 46 interface gadgets which will be install at the plenary hall.

In 2008, the chamber decided to install the P15 million worth biometric e-voting system at the plenary hall.

The project was awarded to the InfoBahn Inc. after a bidding which was supervised by the Office of the Secretary General, the Office of the Director General of the Congressional Planning and Budget Department (CPBD) and the House Committee on Information and Technology.
By: Isagani C. Yambot Jr., MRS-PRIB
Source: Philippine House of Representatives, Oct. 25, 2011
To view the original article, click here.

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