Foreign Equity and Professionals NewsLegislation NewsMacroeconomic Policy NewsPart 4 News: General Business Environment

Incoming House members outline legislative priority when 18th Congress opens

Incoming House members outline legislative priority when 18th Congress opens

Jovee Marie de la Cruz | BusinessMirror | June 28, 2019

Lawmakers have vowed to legislate measures that would draw more investments to the country in the 18th Congress.

Albay Rep. Joey Salceda, in an interview, said the 18th Congress will work immediately to pass several measures that would benefit the Philippine economy.

The 18th Congress will open on July 22.

“There are several measures that we really need to pass, such as the amendments to the Philippine Service Act, amendments to Public Service Act, the proposed Retail Trade Liberalization Act and amendments to Foreign Investments Act,” Salceda said.

“[These measures are] what the economy needs at this point,” he added.

For his part, Leyte Rep.-elect Martin Romualdez said the 18th Congress will prioritize all the measures that were taken up but not fully enacted during the 17th Congress.

“I told President Duterte that we, even before Congress opens session on July 22, have begun working on the measures that need to be discussed ASAP [as soon as possible],” he added.

“I also informed the President that House leaders have already established a communication line with Finance Secretary Sonny Dominguez and other economic managers to ensure that the 2020 national budget will be approved before the end of the year,” he said.

In his meeting with the finance chief, Romualdez has communicated the plan of congressmen for a self-imposed deadline of approving the 2020 National Expenditure Program by October this year.

Moreover, Romualdez said priority measures in the 18th Congress are the proposed 2020 General Appropriations Act, Federalism, the amendments to the Foreign Investments Act, the Public Service Act and the Retail Trade Liberalization Act.

Romualdez said the proposed Coco Levy Fund Act, National Land Use Act, creation of the proposed Department of Disaster and Resilience, Tax Reform for Attracting Better and High-quality Opportunities bill, excise tax on alcohol products bill, reforms on real property valuation, and passive income and financial intermediary taxation bill will also be prioritized.

Also included on the priority list are the traffic and congestion crisis bill, zero tariff on fish and meat bill, suspension of the scheduled hike on the fuel excise tax, repeal of the excise tax imposed on kerosene and diesel, bill on the reimposition of Reserve Officers’ Training Corps and bill providing for a comprehensive neutral regulatory framework.


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