Infrastructure News

Infracom: BOT law proposed revisions set for Congress submission by month-end

THE interagency Infrastructure Committee (Infracom), chaired by the National Economic and Development Authority (Neda), is slated to submit its common position on the proposed build-operate-transfer (BOT) law to both houses of Congress before the end of the month.

In an interview, Neda Deputy Director General for Investment Programming Rolando G. Tungpalan said Infracom is still in the process of crafting its position on the BOT law amendments, one of the 23 priority bills of the Aquino administration.

“We will draw up our common position on the proposed amendments to the BOT law…. Our common position is expected to be finalized by August 31 for submission to [both houses of] Congress,” Tungpalan said.

Tungpalan explained that while he cannot provide the specifics of the discussion, the amendments for the BOT law will focus on unsolicited proposals and comparative bids, as well as government guarantees and other performance undertakings.

The Infracom is composed of the director general of the Neda Secretariat as chairman; secretary of Public Works as co-chairman; and the Executive Secretary and secretaries of transportation finance and budget as members.

It advises the President and the Neda Board on matters concerning infrastructure development, including highways, airports, seaports and shore protection; railways; power generation, transmission and distribution; telecommunications; irrigation, flood control and drainage, water supply and sanitation; national buildings for government offices; hospitals and related buildings; state colleges and universities, elementary and secondary school buildings; and other public works.
By: Cai U. Ordinario
Source: Business Mirror, Aug. 24, 2011
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