Security News

Local EU Statement on the Recent Incidences of Violence in Mindanao

This is a re-posted press release.

The European Union Delegation issues the following statement in agreement
with the EU Heads of Mission in the Philippines

The European Union Delegation wishes to express its sincere condolences to the families of the victims of the recent spate of violence in Basilan and Zamboanga Sibugay.

The EU Delegation commends President Aquino for reaffirming his commitment to achieve peace in Mindanao through a political settlement.

We urge the Moro Islamic Liberation Front to condemn the use of violence and we hope all sides will maintain an unwavering commitment to the cease fire and the peace process.

We welcome the calls for the International Monitoring Team to conduct an independent investigation of the incidents. Such an investigation would help the parties to determine whether there have been violations of the cease-fire agreement and violations of the international law and human rights.

Furthermore, the EU Delegation appeals to the Parties to strengthen coordination through the Joint Coordination Committee for the Cessation of Hostilities.

The EU, as a member of the International Monitoring Team and major development partner in poverty alleviation in Mindanao since 1990, will continue to support peaceful efforts to achieve long-lasting peace in Mindanao .

Date: 24 October 2011

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