Governance NewsLegislation NewsPart 1 News: Growing Too SlowPart 2 News: Becoming More Competitive

Long-term vision for the nation

This is a re-posted opinion piece.

THE PHILIPPINE Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in behalf of its of more than 35,000 enterprises, 108 local chambers, 130 industry association and 30 bilateral business councils and, as the voice of Philippine business, is one with [President Aquino’s] stand for change that thrives on the arching pillar of democracy.

Past leaderships have showcased grand plans and programs that offer medium-term solutions to critical issues affecting the economy. But most of these are left unfulfilled as they are exacerbated by the lack of long-term synergy with the private sector.

The nation needs a vision that all Filipinos here and abroad can identify with; a mission and master plan and not just a medium-term plan that we, together, can implement for our children and their children.

The 36th (Philippine Business Conference and Expo) resolutions form PCCI’s strong resolve for the need of a long-term vision for the nation that will be able to calibrate the direction for the economy with a stable base for the growth of agriculture, industry and services.

The building blocks for collective synergy would underscore:

1. A competitive business landscape supportive of growth and integration of key economic sectors pushed as a rallying base for enterprise development and firm-based adjustments to globalization;

2. A transparent and responsive governance culture eliciting balance across opinions from various stakeholders;

3. A dependable bureaucracy that is able to establish clear parameters of accountability in policy discourse and solicitation;

4. A proactive and evolving agenda for job creation streamed with appropriate physical infrastructure and human resources development consistent with private sector’s development track.

PCCI commits to utilize its resources, network and linkages that will expound on the development of a long-term vision for the country.

Thus, we submit the following Ten-Point Priority Agenda along with its resolutions compiled over a half-year period of consultations, area business conferences and this concluding 36th Philippine Business Conference:

1. Develop a National Industrialization Plan that is accompanied by specific sectoral roadmaps articulating the country’s overall vision and strategy for export development and domestic base.

2. Implement an Integrated National Infrastructure Plan interrelating the promotion of agro-industry-services dynamism, supported by an effective public-private partnership (PPP) mandate.

3. Establish a coherent and well enunciated energy and power policy, supported by key objectives of supply reliability and quality, rate/ tariff, competitiveness and sustainability, to prevent any energy crisis in the county.

4. Nurture a competitive investment environment that will foster the development of important industries such as mining, with the end view of harnessing stable and consistent policies and strengthen the capacity of institutions to help industries reach their full potential in contributing to the growth of the national economy.

5. Create a responsive and proactive fiscal policy that fosters growth of business while achieving a stable fiscal regime.

6. Re-orient Agricultural and Fisheries sector to be coherently linked with Industrial and export growth strategy and mainstream value added activities, to expand income and, of farmers and fisherfolks.

7. Implement a National Tourism Plan that elevates the country’s tourism potentials at par with global tourism trends and standards by undertaking performance scorecards and targeting tourism volume and value using the Tourism 5-As (Access, Arrival, Accommodation, Activities and Attractions) as key benchmarks.

8. Enhance a strategy-driven policy for micro, small and medium enterprise integration to all chains of economic activities consistent with the overall vision of creating wealth for the countryside through entrepreneurship.

9. Develop a strategic policy framework that elicits proactive and long term response to global ecological challenges by appropriating resources, building institutional capacities of agencies and enabling active business participation.

10. Strengthen trade policy strategy coherent with the national interest and is complementary to export development and, growth and protection of investments.

This Priority Agenda is operationalized by a Legislative Agenda. PCCI respectfully requests His Excellency to convene the Legislative-Executive Development Advisory Council and certify the following as urgent legislation:

1. Anti-Trust Bill

2. Rationalization of Fiscal Incentives

3. Freedom of Access to Information

4. Anti Smuggling and Customs Modernization

5. Land Use Code

6. Amendments to the Clean Air Act

7. Water Policy

8. Land Administration Reform Act

9. Reproductive Health Bill

10. Philippine Marine Act

11. Updated Philippine Export Development Act

12. Collective Investments Schemes Bill

13. Immigration Act

14. Creation of the Department of Housing and Urban Development

15. Creation of the Department of Information and Communications Technology

16. Electricity Rate Reduction Bill

17. Accession to the Madrid Protocol

18. Enact a new law to foster industrial development

Mr. President, you said: “Kami ang boss mo.” Well, Mr. President, you are our CEO–you are our leader. Enunciate your vision and we will all follow you.

(The author is chair of the recently concluded 36th Philippine Business Conference and Expo.)
By: Benjamin Philip Romualdez
Source: Philippine Daily Inquirer, Oct. 18, 2011
To view the original article, click here.

This article is relevant to Part IV: General Business Environment – LegislationGovernancePart I: Growing Too Slow – Inadequate Skills + Insufficient Jobs = High, and Part II: Becoming More Competitive.

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