Security News

MILF laments govt’s ‘traditional’ approach to peace

MAGUINDANAO, Philippines– “Political solution is needed to solve the armed conflicts in Mindanao,” said Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) Chairman, Al haj Murad Ebrahim, in a press conference held in Camp Darapanan in Maguindanao on Monday, Sept. 5, 2011. He argued that the struggle of the Bangsamoro people for self-determination is a political problem that requires a political solution.

Murad lamented, however, that the Philippine government is still holding on to a traditional approach that only offers a “palliative solution” to the real problem.

Murad argued that the government’s “3 in 1” approach that offers “instant” solution to the Bangsamoro problem is unacceptable to the MILF as it avoids substantive issues that challenge the 1987 Philippine Constitution.

According to Murad, “The government is only managing and not solving the problem if it insists on using the unconstitutionality of the MILF proposal.” He added that the 11-point proposal of the government that emphasizes economic development and recognition of the Bangsamoro identity and history can be unilaterally implemented by the government even without a negotiation.

“What we need is a sub-state that is truly autonomous and that can stand alone without the control of Malacanang,” said Murad. The present Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) “is nothing but the administrative arm of Manila.” He pointed out that the reform of the ARMM will not guarantee the right of the Bangsamoro people for self-determination.

Despite its rejection of the government proposal, the MILF continues to adhere to the peace talks. Murad, however, emphasized that, “For people to have faith in the peace process, parties should respect agreements and must have the political will to be creative and innovative in addressing the Bangsamoro self-determination issue”.

The MILF is apparently expressing its difference with the government’s view of the Mindanao conflict. The challenge for the Philippine government is how to address this difference and find a common ground in order to prevent the resumption of hostilities in Mindanao.
By: Rommel Banlaoi
Source: Newsbreak, Sept. 5, 2011
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