Mining NewsPart 3 News: Seven Winning Sectors

Mining statement drafted

A POLICY STATEMENT on mining is now up for presidential approval, a Cabinet official yesterday said, with the latest draft still firm on raising government revenues and setting stricter environmental standards.

“We in the [Cabinet] economic and environmental clusters have already finalized the draft and it’s now with the Office of the Executive Secretary (OES),” Environment Secretary Ramon J.P. Paje told reporters.

Sec. Ramon C. Carandang of the Presidential Communications Development and Strategic Planning Office confirmed in a text message that “[a] draft had been submitted to the OES”. He stressed that the document was “not final until approved by the president”.

Read the full article:
By: Bettina Faye V. Roc
Source: Business World, March 29, 2012
To view the original article, click here.

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