
P-Noy likely to leave post in 2016 without meeting 58 of his targets

P-Noy likely to leave post in 2016 without meeting 58 of his targets

Category: Economy
13 Jul 2014

Written by Cai U. Ordinario

AROUND 58 targets set by the  Aquino administration in the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) may not be met by 2016, according to the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA).

Based on the PSA’s Statistical Indicators on Philippine Development 2013 (StatDev 2013), these targets are related to five key sectors such as increasing the country’s exports; good governance; health; reducing private armed groups; and preserving the environment and natural resources.

“Out of these updated indicators, 70 posted good probabilities of achieving their respective targets; 27 registered average performances of hitting their targets, while 58 had low probabilities of reaching their targets,” the PSA said.

The PSA said the Aquino administration seeks to increase the share of exports in the gross domestic product, particularly aiming to hike merchandise exports to $91.5 billion a year by 2016.

Based on the PDP’s chapter on the Industry and Services sectors, the Aquino administration aims to not only increase annual merchandise exports to $91.5 billion a year but also increase annual services exports to $28.9 billion; attract P3.8 trillion in cumulative approved investments by 2016 and double the annual visitor arrivals to 6 million by 2016.

It also aims to increase annual tourism receipts to $4.5 billion by 2016; create 6 million jobs cumulatively generated by 2016, about 4.6 million of which will come from industry and services and 2 million will come from micro, small and medium enterprises

Further, the PSA said the Aquino administration is not doing well in increasing the National Health Insurance Program (NHIP) enrollment rate and increasing the number of poor elderly covered by social pension, or the senior citizen’s law.

Under the PDP, the Aquino administration aims to increase enrollment rate in the NHIP to 100 percent in 2013 to 2016. Increasing the number of elderly covered by social pension, meanwhile, is one of the ways by which the Aquino administration hopes to reduce poverty among the elderly.

Data showed that poverty incidence among elderly was at 20.3 percent in 2006. This translates to 1.29 million poor elderly in that year.

In addition, despite the good governance reforms instituted by the Aquino administration, its performance was still below expectations since it performed poorly in attaining more than half of the indicators related to good governance and the rule of law.

These targets include the passage of the Freedom of Information bill; ensuring budget transparency; and full disclosure of local budgets and finances, as well as bids and public offerings.

The PSA’s StatDev also said the Aquino administration failed in reducing the number of private armed groups and other threat groups nationwide.

Based on the PDP, the Aquino administration aims to eliminate all private armed groups and other threat groups nationwide. These goals are lumped together with aims of ending patronage politics; free, responsible and clean elections; and fully integrating the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao in all Mindanao-wide and national development plans.

Last, the Aquino administration has performed poorly in the conversation, protection and rehabilitation of the environment and natural resources, specifically the rivers.

The PSA’s StatDev said out of the 26 rivers being monitored, around 10 still have to be given high priorities, including the Manila Bay, Parañaque and Pasig River.

Based on the PDP, the country generates 30,000 tons of garbage per day. Metro Manila, alone, produces 8,000 tons per day, of which only 70 percent is collected, and the rest is dumped in other areas such as rivers.

The PSA explained that it used the method to track the country’s performance in meeting the Millennium Development Goals to gauge the performance of the Aquino administration in attaining its PDP targets.

Based on this method, the PSA said if the pace of performance was more than 0.9, this means the Aquino administration’s performance was a good one in a particular target.

A good performance means the target has been reached, or the probability of attaining the target is high. This means the target is likely attainable by 2016.

If the score is slightly lower, between 0.5 and 0.9, the PSA said the performance in attaining a certain target was on an average one. This means the probability of attaining the target is medium and, thus, the target may or may not be attained.

However, if the pace of performance is less than 0.5, the PSA deems this a poor performance. This means the probability of attaining the target is low and, thus, the target is not likely to be attained.

“The StatDev 2013 highlights the performance of the sectors for at least the past three years. This contains 256 indicators covering the nine PDP sectoral chapters.  Based on the submissions of data-source agencies, there were 155 indicators,” the PSA said.

The StatDev is a statistical indicator system to monitor the achievements of the economic and social development goals set forth in the PDP 2011-2016.

It provides a comparison of actual sectoral accomplishments with the corresponding targets indicated in the PDP 2011-2016 Results Matrices, capturing the midterm updates, many of which were provided by respective agencies for easier appreciation by planners, evaluators and other stakeholders.


Source: http://www.businessmirror.com.ph/index.php/en/news/economy/35413-p-noy-likely-to-leave-post-in-2016-without-meeting-58-of-his-targets

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