Governance NewsJudicial News

P15-M damage suit vs GMA goes to QC court

MANILA, Philippines – The P15-million damage suit filed by some relatives of the 58 victims of the Maguindanao massacre against former President and now Pampanga Rep. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo was raffled off to a Quezon City judge yesterday.

Judge Catherine Manodon of the Quezon City Regional Trial Court (RTC) Branch 104 has scheduled the first hearing of the case on Dec. 9.

Relatives of 15 of the victims in the massacre filed a damage suit on Nov. 22 alleging Arroyo had supported and armed the Ampatuan clan, who were among the principal accused in the carnage on Nov. 23, 2009.

Among the victims in the massacre were 32 journalists.

In the complaint, the complainants alleged “Mrs. Arroyo in effect aided and abetted the Ampatuan clan when she issued Executive Order 546 on July 14, 2006. The EO practically legalizes the use of private armies as force multipliers in the war against insurgents.”

The complainants include Ramonita Salaysay, Zenaida Duhay, Juliet Palor Evardo, Ma. Cipriana Gatchalian, Arlyn Lupogan, Catherin Nuñez, Editha Tiamzon, Erlyn Idalo Umpad, Alejando Reblando Jr., Mar Reynafe Momay-Castillo, Noemi Parcon, Glenna Legarta, Mary Jean Merisco and Stephanie Lechonsito, representing the families of 15 massacre victims.

In their complaint, they alleged “Arroyo’s administration armed the Ampatuans against the secessionist Moro Islamic Liberation Front in the region, granting the clan much leeway to establish its own paramilitary units.”

Lawyer Harry Roque said the victims’ families believe that if not for Arroyo, the massacre could have been prevented.

He said Arroyo, during her term as president, gave legality to the Ampatuans’ alleged private army and the resources allegedly used in carrying out the massacre.

According to the petitioners, Arroyo refused to perform her duty to ensure that the laws were enforced in Maguindanao.

The petitioners claimed Arroyo, as then commander in chief, had command responsibility over policemen, soldiers and militiamen implicated in the massacre.

Each of the 15 petitioners is seeking P500,000 in moral damages and P500,000 for exemplary damages.
By: Rhodina Villanueva
Source: The Philippine Star, Nov. 26, 2011
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