Part 3 News: Seven Winning SectorsTourism, Medical Travel and Retirement News

Palace acts on review petition

Manila, Philippines – Malacanang has endorsed to Transportation and Communications Secretary Manuel “Mar” A. Roxas II and Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert F. del Rosario for action the letter of tourism industry leader Robert Lim Joseph to President Benigno S. Aquino III asking him to review Executive Orders (EO) 28 and 29 that he signed last March 14.

EO 28 reorganizes the Philippine air negotiating and consultation panels and excluded Philippine carriers from being members in them, while EO 29 further liberalizes the civil aviation policy, including imposing pocket open skies in airports outside of Metro Manila.

The endorsement letter from Malacanang to Roxas and Del Rosario was signed by Deputy Executive Secretary Teofilo Pilando Jr. last October 10. “We are thankful to President Aquino for acting on our concern.

EO 29, which favors foreign carriers over local airlines, was highly influenced by pro-open skies advocates led by former Tourism Secretary Alberto Lim, the Freedom to Fly Coalition, and the Makati Business Club,” Joseph said.
Source: Tempo, Oct. 27, 2011
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