Business Cost News

Reps. Brady and Larsen Applaud Passage of APEC Business Travel Card Legislation

This is a re-posted press release.

Levels Playing Field for American Business Leaders Traveling Overseas

Washington, D.C. – The House of Representatives today passed H.R. 2042, The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Business Travel Cards Act of 2011. This bill will help level the playing field for American business men and women traveling overseas and will facilitate commerce with this rapidly growing economic region. The APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC) will help promote fast and efficient travel for security-screened business people and government officials within the APEC region.

Congressman Rick Larsen, Co-Chair of the APEC Caucus stated “After nearly three years of work, the House passed the APEC Business Travel Card Program today. The U.S. is one step closer to finally joining 18 other APEC economies that already have this full background check, expedited travel card for business people traveling between the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation economies. The U.S. will be one of the last to establish the travel card, but will be the largest economy.

“This travel card will equip our business leaders with the tools and resources they need to compete in the global marketplace,” said Rep. Larsen. “The APEC Business Travel Card will level the playing field for American business people traveling overseas and provide them with the same expedited travel benefits foreign travel card holders enjoy when they travel to the U.S,” said Rep. Larsen.

Congressman Kevin Brady, Chairman of the Ways & Means Trade Subcommittee concluded “Today’s bipartisan passage of the APEC Business Travel Card indicates an increased interest in regaining America’s competitiveness in the Asian Pacific Economic region. This bill will increase trade and investment within the region by opening markets in the Asia-Pacific region and connecting them to American exporters. We greatly appreciate the support of Peter King, Chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, on this legislation.”
Source: Press Release, U.S. House of Representatives, Oct. 25, 2011
To view the original article, click here.

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