Farm output up in Q1

Agricultural output grew by 1.08% year on year in the first quarter, with gains in the crops, livestock and poultry subsectors offsetting a contract

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SDO reign in farms doomed

This is a re-posted opinion piece. The Supreme Court decision that annulled the stock distribution option (SDO) scheme at Hacienda Luisita, the count

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Gov’t sees Q3 growth gain

ECONOMIC GROWTH likely improved in the third quarter from April-June, a Cabinet official said, citing “still robust” private investments, a service

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Headline news: The Philippines welcomed one of the world’s symbolic “seven billionth” babies Monday, after she arrived to a celebratory cheer at Man

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An impossible dream?

This is a re-posted op-ed piece. TYPHOONS Pedring and Quiel have literally rained on Secretary Proceso Alcala’s parade. Or rather his dream of rice s

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Blessings in the details

This is a re-posted opinion piece. It seems that I spoke too soon last week as I ended my article with the anticipation that the GDP news to be annou

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