A successful China trip

This is a re-posted opinion piece. China is the world’s second-biggest economy today. It overtook Japan last year. It is, of course, the dominant pl

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Who are we?

This is a re-posted opinion piece. The 80-year-old Gen Jose Almonte was supposed to talk to the Foundation for Economic Freedom (FEF) about our China

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China eyes ferry systems

CHINA has expressed interest in pursuing two roll-on, roll-off (Ro-Ro) projects in the country, the Department of Transportation and Communications

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Moving on

This is a re-posted opinion piece. Both sides stood firm on their territorial claims and their preferred mode of dispute settlement: multilaterally f

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South China Sea issue

This is a re-posted opinion piece. It seems that the situation in the South China Sea is taking a turn for the worse. The increasingly harsh rhetoric

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