
This is a re-posted opinion piece. During his presidency when insults were heaped on everything from his English proficiency to his ’60s pompadour an

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Aquino’s killing fields

This is a re-posted opinion piece. Last Monday, President Benigno Aquino III stepped up his attacks on the Supreme Court following a virulent assault

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Where to keep her

This is a re-posted op-ed piece. House arrest? Hospital arrest? Detention in a jail? Or detention in a government hospital? Which will it be for form

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On the spot

This is a re-posted op-ed piece. As the Philippines watched enthralled the dramatic events surrounding the arrest of former President Gloria Macapaga

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Day to end impunity

This is a re-posted op-ed piece. The world marks today the first International Day to End Impunity, and the focus of attention is the Philippines. Up

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