International disgrace

This is a re-posted op-ed piece. Ninoy Aquino International Airport (Naia) general manager Jose Honrado has called “unfair” the rating by a travel we

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Positive prospects

This is a re-posted opinion piece. A friend I met recently in a social gathering took me aside and said, “Hasn’t anybody told our current economic ma

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Domingo Rejects ITH To RE

MANILA, Philippines — Trade and Industry secretary Gregory L. Domingo has categorically said that renewable energy (RE) projects will no longer be e

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Airline tax breaks bucked

RENEWED CALLS for the abolition of taxes imposed on foreign airlines will be opposed by the Finance department, which claims the current system is l

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Attracting investors

This is a re-posted editorial piece. With higher labor costs in China’s eastern coastal cities, attracting investors may be tough at this point. But

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