Balancing needs

This is a re-posted op-ed piece. With a Guinness World Record recognition possible, it seems certain that “Lolong” the crocodile from the Agusan Mars

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Digital generation gap

This is a re-posted opinion piece. SINGAPORE - Arrived in this garden city from Kuala Lumpur where I had several meetings on the use of digital media

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Good for business

This is a re-posted op-ed piece. Often easily cast in the role of bogeyman in tales of corruption, big business is considered by most to be a mercile

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Who Gains, Who Loses

Global News For years, the U.S. has been the most vocal advocate of yuan appreciation, as part of its efforts to address its persistent trade defic

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Justice delayed

This is a re-posted op-ed piece. Nearly six years after he was convicted by a court martial for violation of the Articles of War, retired military co

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