Business Process Outsourcing NewsMultimediaPart 3 News: Seven Winning Sectors

The Stars are Aligned

The market has spoken: the Philippines has become the destination of choice for global IT-BPO locators

Alejandro “Bud” Melchor III, the Deputy Executive Director for ICT Industry Development of the Department of Science Technology, ICT Office (DOST-ICTO), at a presentation made on March 27, 2012 to the AmCham ICT Committee, said that the Philippines “has pulled away from the pack and established itself as the clear global #2 after India in worldwide IT-BPO.” He discussed the paradigm shifts that are clearly happening — ones that could unlock unprecedented opportunities for the IT-BPO industry in the Philippines. Find out how the stars are aligning for the Philippines and what tools are available for the industry that would allow it to step up in the value chain.

Meanwhile, in the same AmCham ICT Committee meeting, BPAP President Benedict Hernandez provided the numbers supporting his claim that the stars are aligning for the BPO sector. The presentation highlights the impact that this industry has created in the Philippine jobs market and its potential to create investments and jobs in the near to long-term future.

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