Legislation News

Where’s business?

This is a re-posted opinion piece.

…I felt that President Benigno Aquino Ill’s State of the Nation Address was well delivered It made some good important points But I was concerned that there was no attention given to improving the business climate despite the fact that this is where he will get the jobs to give the poor an income.

It showed up too in his list of 23 priority bills which were a “mishmash” of legislation. There was no focus no working toward a desirable goal No laws to achieve the vision of the president—or create the jobs. So what should be priority? Let me give you Wallace’s list (with due acknowledgement to the Joint Foreign Chambers and the thought they put into what’s important through their book Arangkada). I’ll focus just on economic issues where I’m more knowledgeable.

Department of Information and Communications Technology. I’ve been badgering the government for this for almost a decade. It would upgrade the Commission on Information and Communications Technology, not downgrade it into an information agency of the Department of Science and Technology as President Aquino, for some peculiar reason, did recently. A full department is essential to give this fastest growing sector ofthe economy and one that will dominate it in the years ahead the full attention and financial support it needs to fully develop We have to raise public sector focus and usage of e-governance.

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By: Peter Wallace – Like It Is
Source: Manila Standard Today, July 29, 2011

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